Because of our current circumstances, we have to stay isolated and socially distant from each other which means no concerts as you have very well noticed.

Sounds bleak doesn't it, well that's nonsense. Now is a beautiful time to be a musician and this is an opportunity to connect with your audience in an exciting way.
I've been discovering some great artists that have been coming out of the woodwork since 2020 went to Hell and we all got grounded to our homes.
FaceBook has some valuable groups that you can join as an artist or music fan. "Socially Distant Fest" is an example of a FaceBook group that lets musicians perform live and fans can interact with comments. You can scroll through anytime and find someone pouring their heart out with the instrument of their choice.
People are using this time effectively no matter what walk of life they're from and I for one am grateful. The best part of these home concerts is the ability to wear your pj's and not have to stand for any period of time, a luxury never known to concert goers before.
We are a versatile species and we can overcome any challenge thrown at us.
The economy isn't the only thing that has taken a hit this year as the arts have suffered as well as almost every other aspect of our life and society. Yet here we are rising above and overcoming adversity.
Musicians are connecting with new people through new channels that weren't as prevalent when the world had a semblance of normality. Maybe this step backwards will help us see straighter in the future. Broaden our preferences and change the way we interact with each other for the better.
No matter what happens after this time of social distancing ends there are great places on the internet to experience the arts while venues are shut down. Have you seen any good live performances online lately?