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Remembrance Day 2020

Nov. 11th is coming up fast and with everything going on this year it's easy to be distracted, but the sacrifices made by our veterans deserves our undivided attention and respect.

I served for 3 years in the Canadian Infantry during peacetime, so despite being a veteran myself, I can't grasp the true depths of the sacrifice made by the greatest generation who looked tyranny right in the face and said no. I trained for war but luckily never had to face it, unlike our countrymen and women who answered the call of battle and put their lives on the line for the freedoms of others.

Remembrance Day honours all who served past and present, but this year is going to look a little different.

In my town, our Remembrance Day parade has been cancelled because of COVID and the public has been told not to visit the cenotaph, instead, the ceremony will be held virtually.

I imagine this solemn day will look the same around Canada this year.

The Legion is doing something noteworthy this year by making Remembrance Day face masks, which I think would be a great year-round mask to wear instead of just November.

I know I will be wearing one in addition to my poppy.

Thank you to all who sacrificed for Canada, your memory will forever live on in our grateful hearts.

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