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Connected Canucks

CBC Music just did something pretty cool.

What they did was host an online singalong to Blue Rodeo's "Lost Together." Hundreds of Canadians belted out their quarantined renditions of the voted on song. Participants submitted videos of themselves singing along which was cut into one video that is going viral.

I don't know whether or not you needed another reason to be proud of our country but examples of positive connections like this are just downright uplifting.

Good on you CBC.

Song isn't the only thing connecting us either.

Foolishly I missed filming the CF Snowbirds do their fly by where I live but at least I witnessed the spectacle.

The roar of the planes flying low in perfect unison shook my patriotism to the surface with a chill.

I suppose everyone has their own takeaways from the Snowbirds flying by but personally I feel like it is the government's way of acknowledging our current struggle and reminding us to keep our chins up.

It makes me reflect on how lucky I am to have been born into a free country that embraces equality and compassion. One that cares and feels the weight of the world and understands the importance of remaining united, strong and connected.

Thank you for everything Canada.

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